Obama “Fight the Smear” campaign

Obama has created a Fight the Smear campaign, to counterattack smears about the candidate (or his wife). The one that stands out to me is the smear that Obama is a Muslim. Power Line shares my concern, not that Obama is or was a Muslim, but concern about his brand of Christianity…

The site proclaims that “Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.” I’ve seen what appears to be credible evidence that Obama was raised as a Muslim as a boy, during the time he lived in Indonesia. But that is of little importance. What concerns me, and millions of others, is not the idea that Obama could be a Muslim–he clearly is not–but rather the fact that the religion to which he was drawn as a young man, and in which he participated for twenty years, is not Christian at all. Rather, Rev. Wright preached hatred, paranoia and racism, the opposite of Christianity, and for twenty years, Obama treated Wright as a spiritual mentor. This is, obviously, a legitimate concern which Obama’s “smear” site does not address.

The above concern noted, it doesn’t appear to be a big deal to the general population.

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