Nationalizing Big Oil

Investors Business Daily ponders what in the world the Democrats are thinking. Led by Maxine Waters and Maurice Hinchey they want to nationalize/socialize big oil. Maxine’s insightfulness lead to this statement…

“Well, I can see that this congresswoman is going to favor nationalizing the oil companies, and making sure the prices go down.”

Hinchey recently added this bit of insight.

“We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets into the market.”

And it appears the Democrats are rapidly becoming the party of nationalizing big oil…

What’s especially shocking is these two extremists no longer seem out of step with what used to be a centrist Party.

Don’t take our word for it. A Rasmussen Poll released Tuesday showed that 37% of Democrats think nationalizing the oil companies is a good idea. Only 32% disagreed with that.

Of course, the oil companies have been prevented from drilling where the oil is by the Democrats that want to Nationalize them. You can’t make this stuff up.

What’s ironic about this nationalization mania is that government, specifically bad decisions made during decades of control by Democrats, is to blame for our current energy woes.

Whether it’s their failure to build nuclear power plants or oil refineries, their refusal to drill for our plentiful oil, their reliance on market-destroying price controls or their absurd belief that windfall profit taxes will somehow bring us more energy, Democrat-led Congresses have failed us over and over again.

They’ve demonized oil companies for the very thing they themselves are responsible for — namely, destroying the link between higher prices and increased output of energy that would naturally occur in a functioning free-market economy.

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