NASA’s James Hansen, a picture of desperation

Put the oil executives on trial for having the audacity to question him and his merry group of believers.

It’s very frustrating when you’re the smartest man in the room but you can’t convert everyone. When that happens to liberals, the next stop is the US legal system.

I suggest Mr. Hansen quit NASA and get out and earn a real living. More than likely he’ll follow in Al Gore’s footsteps, make a lot more money and emit tons more greenhouse gases.

The IBD editorial concludes…

Those who refuse to be browbeaten, though, are in danger of seeing their careers ruined or, perhaps someday, sharing a prison cell with the oil executives Hansen wants to try.

Criminalize dissent: That’s one way to ensure the debate is over.

Hansen’s comment is revealing. It’s the sort of declaration made by a desperate man trying to hang on to his declining relevance.

Hansen knows the climate of fear he has stoked is receding as more people start to see through his nonsense. He’s just trying to stir up some storm clouds.

Where will that lightening bolt hit?

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