Five myths: America’s Climate Security Act

Over at National Review, Ben Lieberman explores/exposes 5 myths of the “America’s Climate Security Act” authored by Joe Lieberman and John Warner.

The myths are:

Myth #1: LW wouldn’t be expensive.
Myth #2: The costs fall on industry, not consumers.
Myth #3: Global warming is a crisis that must be addressed at all costs.
Myth #4: LW effectively addresses the threat of climate change.
Myth #5: LW’s cap-and-trade approach is a proven success.

and he concludes…

Overall, the Lieberman-Warner bill promises substantial hardship for the economy overall, for jobs, and for energy costs. Given current economic concerns and energy prices, this is the last thing the American people need. At the same time, the environmental benefits would likely be small to nonexistent. The Lieberman-Warner bill fails any reasonable cost-benefit test.

Read it all here.

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