Appeasement of Muslims in Britain

Read the Pajama’s media report on Muslim “no-go” areas in Britain

In February this year, Christian evangelists Arthur Cunningham and Joseph Abraham were doing what Christian evangelists do: handing out Bible extracts. They were stopped by a representative of the law, threatened with arrest if they carried on preaching in “a Muslim area,” and warned that they might get beaten up if they came back.

Where did this incident take place? Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Pakistan, where Christian preaching is forbidden and apostates persecuted? No, this “Muslim area” was in Alum Rock, Birmingham, England. That’s right — England, cradle of free speech; England, a country with an established, if enfeebled, Church, and where seventy-five percent of citizens (at the 2001 census) describe themselves as Christian.

Britain, we have a problem!

West Midlands Police have not apologized, and instead of sacking Naguthney immediately, they have merely given him training on the nature of “hate crimes.” Such craven appeasement of Muslims is not unprecedented: it was the West Midlands Police force which tried to prosecute Channel 4, whose excellent TV documentary Undercover Mosque revealed the open sedition and hatred of the West preached in our mosques. That prosecution failed, but for now West Midlands Police must be seen as accomplices, albeit perhaps unwitting, in the jihad against our country.

Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Abraham have fired the first shots in the counter-jihad: they are demanding a full and unreserved written apology from West Midlands Police, and have given notice that they regard this incident as a breach of their convention rights under the 1998 Human Rights Act. They are supported by the Christian Institute pressure group, and by Christian Voice, which plans to leaflet the area this weekend.

Good luck with that “counter-jihad”. After your done saving Britain, you can save Canada from their Human Rights kangaroo court.

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