Daily Archives: June 19, 2008

Video report from CBS Channel 4

Here’s a link to an article and video reporting by the local CBS channel.

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The Battle continues…

The war of words continues in the letters to the editor page of the Daily Camera regarding the “adverse possession II” case. It doesn’t appear there’s the same sense of outrage for the Marshall/Salim case as there was for the … Continue reading

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Shut down the T-Shirt business

I’m no big fan, make that really no big fan, of the Boulder County government or the commissioners. That said, they seem on solid ground in their ruling to shut down Pagan Apparel at their present location. The owner of … Continue reading

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Who knew? Apparently an electrical engineer in North Carolina. Curious, read more about it here.

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1.4 billion less miles driven

That’s what American’s did this April compared to a year ago. Guess what, that’s bad news, at least if your the federal highway department looking for tax dollars!

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Cavuto on oil company nationalization

He concludes… But be careful what you wish for, Congress…Because when you’re in, you’re not just in a little bit. You’re in lock, stock, and the whole bad barrel. You’re refining it, distributing it, trading it. So you’re “it.” And … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, energy | Leave a comment