Daily Archives: June 7, 2008

Welcome to American Math

Welcome to America….where people are actually having a serious discussion about whether teaching kids advanced math as soon as possible is a bad thing. Is it any wonder our country lags behind in math/science? Read more about this nonsensical thinking … Continue reading

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Venezuelan’s want the dollar

Although the once almighty dollar has been falling against most major currencies, in Venuezla it is in high demand. As Jim Rogers says, go to the black market to see what a currency is really worth… The government sets the … Continue reading

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$200 oil and “ride the trend”

You can find Howards blog here.

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High oil prices, whose to blame?

Walter Williams comments on Congress and the oil company executives. His conclusion… The true villain in our having to cough up $60, $70 or $80 to fill our gas tanks is the U.S. Congress caught in the grip of environmental … Continue reading

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A recipe for high prices

US energy secretary Samuel Bodman has simple straightforward observations and recommended solutions on high energy (oil) prices. The problem is… Production has stalled since 2005 at 85 million barrels a day, while economic growth — particularly in China and India … Continue reading

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United Nations led by servants of dictatorships

Read the WSJ column on the new UN leadership. The General Assembly of the United Nations voted this week to elect Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann as its new president. Readers with a long memory will recall Father D’Escoto (he’s a Catholic … Continue reading

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D-Day part II

Read The Ordeal of Omaha Beach over at Power Line.

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I’d be LOL if it wasn’t so pathetic…

What a wonderful age we inhabit…. Aren’t you glad that scientists, using public funds, have been working “around the clock” to address the threat posed by belching ruminants, instead of wasting their time on finding a cure for cancer? What … Continue reading

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June 6th

The Diplomad give us a great history lesson. My father, who died before I was interested enough and brave enough to ask, apparently landed in Europe on D-Day + 1.

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Natural Gas up 17 cents to $12.69

Natural gas, the clean fuel. Chart also from WTRG economics. Chart from WRTG economics.

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Oil up $10.785 per barrel – wowza

Is it a bubble? Chart from WRTG economics.

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