Down with Judge Klein

“Greystonewest” as he/she is known on the Daily Camera website is apparently mounting an active compaign to have people vote against Judge Klein in the November election. From the comments section of the story reporting on Judge Kleins second ruling…

No on Klein.

I have been working with lawyers and activists for the past two days to set up an educational committee.

We will run the 60(b) motion in full page ads.

We need $50k. We need $50k.

Average price in the DC is 5k per full page, well placed ad.

I figure that I can get the best and greatest of the 60(b) up in ten full page ads.

I have never run a campaign without an opponent, but this is straight up lame.

Judge Klein sited the wrong law in his latest ruling. I am not a lawyer and I know law better than that Republican appointed judge Klein.

To outright dismiss the truth of people you can’t pick out of a line up is not justice Klein.

I’m still looking at either 527 or 503c educational committee.

The choice will be made best on protecting the donor list, as many lawyers want to donate $1000. and leave their fingerprints off it.

Game on Klein!

Game On.

Obviously Greystonewest has some homework to do. I fully support Greystone’s efforts.

While Judge Klein may be a Republican appointment, making the issue one of politics seems detrimental to me. People of all political persuasions are outraged by the series of decisions. Of course, sticking a finger in the eye of Republican’s in Boulder won’t hurt his cause very much either. Talk about a rare and endangered species!

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