Climate change and composting in Boulder

Steve Pomerance, former City Council member has been drinking the global warming kool-aid as be puts on the full court press guilt trip because the Boulder City council postponed implementing composting pick up.

Composting doesn’t seem like a bad idea, I stop by ecocycle almost every Sunday to drop off our recylcleables. Still I’m bothered by the “save the earth” guilt trip/strategy among other things. The idea could probably stand on it own, although it might take a little longer to implement.

Here are some issues I have with Pomerances article in Sunday’s Daily Camera:

1.Estimates have the climate impact of landfill gas emissions as equivalent to more than 20 percent of U.S. coal fired power plants.

Interesting. Of course, the correlation between gas emissions and global warming is quite low.

2. Are concerns about bears digging into the garbage going to prevent us from making a giant step forward on the climate change issue?

A giant step forward?? Give me a break. With a low correlation between CO2 and global warming it’s hard to see the “giant step forward”.

3. And on the subject of garbage collection schedules, why not collect organics and recyclables every week and other trash every two weeks. And use the trash charge to subsidize the collection of recyclables and pre-composting organics.

Oh let’s shift the money around. It should pay for itself. If Steve thinks collecting actual trash every two weeks is the correct solution, let him fight it out with the citizens.

4. After all, our goal is to eventually reduce non-recyclable trash to close to zero, so why not focus collection around recycling and composting? Rearranging some of the collection companies’ schedules seems a small price to pay for such a big contribution to solving the climate change problem.

No, that’s not my goal. Over time, it may turn out to happen, but it doesn’t seem all that realistic. Yes, less trash is good.

A BIG contribution to climate change. Gag me with a spoon. I see less trash as a good goal as a citizen of the planet, but using the whole global warming hype (whoops, climate change) as the catalyst for action I find self serving and arrogant.

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