Two Views on the Newspaper Business

Clay Evans had a recent editorial in the Daily Camera titled “No news will be bad news“, where he commented how newspapers will be missed when they’re gone. One of Evan’s main points is…

Traditional media offers something that Joe Blogger generally doesn’t: A system of accountability. That doesn’t mean newspapers always get it right, but there are, at least, some checks and balances. Fact checking and cranky, cigar-chomping editors are — were? — a good thing.

On the other side is the American Digest which authored an article today titled “More Good News: Seattle Times Axes 200“. One of the Digest’s main points is…

Of course, the real elephant drooling in the room of newspapers like the Seattle Times these days is “the forgotten reader.” These are the potential readers who, because of the unremitting liberal tone and slant of the Times in both the news hole and on the editorial page, loathe the Times and the whole sector of Seattle society it represents.

Now you may say, in a town as overwhelmingly liberal as Seattle, “Screw those troglodyte, Republican morons!” Well, you can say that but then you will, sooner or later, fire 200 of your employees. And that will be only the start.

I suspect both sides could learn something from the other. That said, it is way to easy to imagine the Daily Camera staff saying/thinking “Screw those troglodyte, Republican morons!” The Camera needs to start offering BOTH Hamburgers and Cheeseburgers if they want to stay in business (read the Digest article). Our family cancelled our subscription a few years back because we were tired of not only the slanted editorials, but the news reporting as well.

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