Daily Archives: March 28, 2008

Beyond crazy….

With leaders such as these, no wonder there are so many problems in Africa… In May 2002, in the midst of a severe food shortage in sub-Saharan Africa, the government of Zimbabwe turned away 10,000 tons of corn from the … Continue reading

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$11,000 coffee maker controversy

Do you know what “Clover” is? If you don’t and you’re a coffee aficionado, you soon will. Who knew coffee had so many flavors? Using a complex brew process, the boxy black and silver Clover aims to coax each of … Continue reading

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Pine Beetles

A big issue in Colorado is the pine beetle infestation killing the Lodgepole pines. Scientists apparently believe it is linked to global warming and claim that the temperature of the Colorado River basin has risen 2.2 degrees over the last … Continue reading

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Great pictures. It’s like another world!

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Hating America….

I wonder why Jeremiah Wright hates a country that has treated him so well? Take a peek at his future home.

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Fox News covers Wilkins ice shelf melting…

Some good pictures too. Read it here.

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How many canaries….

This Salt Lake City Tribune editorial comments on the melting of the Wilkins ice shelf in Antarctica. They conclude… The question is: How many “canaries” must die in the coal mine that is our Earth before America’s leaders take decisive … Continue reading

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The Earth is apparently flat….

In a 60 minutes interview, prima donna Algore shares his opinion of people who dare to question man made global warming… (CBS) Self-avowed “P.R. agent for the planet” Al Gore says those who still doubt that global warming is caused … Continue reading

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