Daily Archives: March 22, 2008

Commonwealth priority

a synonym for underperforming. Instead of calling these schools “underperforming,” the Board of Education is considering labeling them as “Commonwealth priority,” to avoid poisoning teacher and student morale. Read what Joanne Jacobs has to say.

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The investigation is focusing on a contract worker related to the Obama campaign. Glenn Reynolds concludes… I suspect this is a case of idle curiosity and coincidental connections — but had the coincidental connection been with the McCain campaign, people … Continue reading

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Is the Earth Still Warming?

No says Jennifer Marohasy, a biologist and senior fellow of Melbourne-based think tank the Institute of Public Affairs. Wowza, in the good old United States, any think tank with whose name included the phrase “Public Affaris” would never admit that … Continue reading

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World “On Fire”…..

Richard Branson and friend have gathered at Necker Island, an island in the British Virgin Islands to discuss global warming. Not surprisingly…. “So, do we really think the world is on fire?” Branson, the British magnate and adventurer, asked several … Continue reading

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