$11,000 coffee maker controversy

Do you know what “Clover” is? If you don’t and you’re a coffee aficionado, you soon will. Who knew coffee had so many flavors?

Using a complex brew process, the boxy black and silver Clover aims to coax each of the hundreds of flavors known to reside in the average coffee bean. The menu board behind the Clover at one Seattle Starbucks reads like it was written by wine connoisseur — comparing the “spicy, cedar notes and syrupy body” of the Aged Sumatra with the “dazzling spice, cocoa, wine and berry flavors” of the Arabian Mocha Sanani.

The controversy is that Starbucks acquired the “Clover” company and the $11,000 coffee maker will no longer be available outside of the Starbucks empire. Read up on the politics and intrigue of coffee!

Yikes, sure glad I’m not into coffee.

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