BBC Biased???

Say it ain’t so.

A year long investigation commisioned by the BBC concluded that the BBC is (was?) biased. Here’s a snippit of what the report had to say:

The BBC has failed to promote proper debate on major political issues because of the inherent liberal culture of its staff, a report commissioned by the corporation has concluded. The report claims that coverage of single-issue political causes, such as climate change and poverty, can be biased – and is particularly critical of Live 8 coverage, which it says amounted to endorsement.

and also…

The report concludes BBC staff must be more willing to challenge their own beliefs.

It reads: “There is a tendency to ‘group think’ with too many staff inhabiting a shared space and comfort zone.”

Read more here. After reading this article, it would seem that the basic culture would have to change. I consider that extraordinarily unlikely.

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