A Prediction: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Come this November, Boulder city government will have a dramatic face lift (sorry, registration required). Due to incumbents electing not to run, a majority of the new city council will be “new faces”. I hope to be wrong, but it’s fairly easy to predict that the citizenry of Boulder will elect the same type of people they have elected in the past; that is people who have little respect for property rights, are happy to have major construction ongoing at almost every major intersection simultaneously and need more of our hard earned tax dollars to “make things right” in the world (or at least in Boulder).

Here’s what’s on the top of their list….

City Councilman Shaun McGrath, whose term doesn’t expire until 2009, said the newly elected officials won’t have any shortage of challenging issues waiting for them: The question of how to develop the Transit Village at 30th and Pearl streets, implementing the city’s Climate Action Plan and trying to fix Boulder’s near- and long-term fiscal future, for starters.

People who have been serving for just a few weeks will be asked to make decisions about major issues the city’s been studying for years, such as whether to take over the electricity distribution system from Xcel Energy when the utility’s contract with the city expires in 2010.

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