No Earmarks??

Sure… right.

John Murtha, one of my favorite Democrats is at it again.

Paul Mirengoff of Powerline nicely summarizes a Robert Novak column regarding the Democrat’s penchant for Earmarks. Here’s a nice highlight (i.e. an excerpt of an excerpt…)

Murtha and his fellow Democrats pretended that the intelligence bill contained no earmarks, but Rep. Jeff Flake eventually found 26 of them. By the time he did so, however, it was too late to offer amendments. When Rep. Mike Rogers tried to eliminate the earmark for a National Drug Intelligence Center in Murtha’s district, Murtha made his infamous threat, in violation of House rules, to retaliate against Rogers’ earmarks.

I’m not about to defend simliar actions by Republican’s in the budget process, or even claim that they presented less or more earmarks than the Dems. What I will say is that the Dems kept babbling about fixing the “Culture of Corruption”. Makes me wanna puke.

Believe me, the culture of corruption needs to be fixed, we aren’t electing politicians that can fix it.

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