Daily Archives: May 29, 2007

Not in the Top 2000

The Daily Camera reports that the Bolder Boulder results are stalled due to “technology overload”. The Top 2000 results are in the paper. It appears the other 48,000 of us will have to wait until around lunch time on Wednesday. … Continue reading

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Server is too busy

The message I got today at 11:09am when trying to access www.bolderboulder.com

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No Earmarks??

Sure, right. John Murtha, one of my favorite Democrats is at it again. From Powerline

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No Earmarks??

Sure… right. John Murtha, one of my favorite Democrats is at it again. Paul Mirengoff of Powerline nicely summarizes a Robert Novak column regarding the Democrat’s penchant for Earmarks. Here’s a nice highlight (i.e. an excerpt of an excerpt…) Murtha … Continue reading

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Bolder Boulder

I “waddled” thought the Bolder Boulder today in 73+ minutes. The official results will be out later tonight or tomorrow morning if they can keep the web site up. My goal was under 70 minutes, but too little training and … Continue reading

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Alas, Jimmy and Warren not related

According to 23andMe, a biotech startup, Jimmy and Warren Buffett are not related. Just in case you haven’t heard of 23and Me, it is run by Ann Wojcicki who recently married Google billionaire Sergey Brin. Interestingly enough, Google has invested … Continue reading

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