Daily Archives: May 2, 2007

This is breaking news?

This can only be breaking news because Bush hasn’t vetoed anything in his life. Certainly no one expected the House to come up with the votes to overide the veto did they?

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Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My

Ahmadinejad has a problem… Iranian President Under Fire for Kissing, Embracing Old Woman in PublicFrom the hard line Islamic newspaper… “The Muslim Iranian people have no recollection of such acts contrary to Shariah law during Islamic rule [since the 1979 … Continue reading

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Hamas: Why do we “show them the money”?

Captain Ed concludes… This speech took place in April. Coincidentally, that was the same month that we sent $59 million in aid — to the same Palestinian Authority in which this lunatic serves as Speaker. The US has provided the … Continue reading

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