Monthly Archives: April 2007


Repeat after me…. BOULDER IS A STOOPID PLACE Prairie Dogs and Wetlands lead to a criminal investigation…. An internal city of Boulder inquiry into whether drainage work at Foothills Parkway and Arapahoe Avenue illegally hurt prairie dogs and damaged wetlands … Continue reading

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Don’t retire….

This is an excerpt from a interview with Stephen Pollan, author of “Die Broke” and also “Live Rich” among various other books. You continue to hold with the one “Die Broke” tenet that puzzles some, which is, don’t retire. … Continue reading

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Contrary Opinion Investing

Apple announced blowout earnings and the stock is up somewhere between 4-6 points around the $100 mark. Is it too late to invest? Yahoo has a poll, and surprisingly about 60% of the respondents said it was “too late”. From … Continue reading

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The Green Goldrush

Read what the Financial Times has uncovered about carbon credits. Here are the highlights… ■ Widespread instances of people and organisations buying worthless credits that do not yield any reductions in carbon emissions. ■ Industrial companies profiting from doing very … Continue reading

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Walk the talk on global warming/Michael knows best

According to the Christian Science Monitor, NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg is going to lead us to the promised land where global warming is under control. Hopefully the NYC economy won’t be in shambles by the time he’s done. There’s always … Continue reading

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GDP per person…

in Europe has reached the level of the US in 1985, so says the Financial Methods blog. I particularly like the closing sentence… Socialist policies, such as enormous regulation and stifling taxation, are likely the underlying causes.

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Much better idea than Sheryl’s

Marilyn Gardner, writing in the Christian Science Monitor has a much more practical idea about how to save energy and supposedly help combat global warming. Long live the clothesline.

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Another Year of Solvency for SS

Whoopee, Social Security and Medicare have another year of life before the trust funds run dry. Highlights, if you can call them that, are: The trustees now project that Medicare’s hospital-insurance trust fund will run dry by 2019 without changes … Continue reading

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Consider Dell for my next computer?

Dell is not my favorite computer company. However, they are offering Windows XP again, that’s almost enough to make me change my mind. I hope other companies do the same. Another irritating factor in buying a new PC is all … Continue reading

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We’re from the Government and….

well you know. The Food and Drug Administration says vitamins, supplements, herbs and other natural substances, including water when it is used to “treat” dehydration, should be classified as drugs, and opponents have only until April 30 to express their … Continue reading

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I Love this Commercial….

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What happened at noon EST to…

send gold down $6/oz in minutes? A quick skim of doesn’t yield a specific event.

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Where does he keep his stuff?

“I really thought the two ladies I interviewed with six years ago were just yanking my chain,” says Cynthia Burr, who manages Charan’s hideous schedule. “I said, ‘Where does he keep his stuff? Everybody has stuff.’ It’s really hard to … Continue reading

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Not Surprised Part II

Student Government Asks Reporters to Leave by Monday Will the press obey?

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Why am I not surprised….

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MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa (AP) – Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday that if she is elected president, she would make her husband a roaming ambassador to the world, using his skills to repair the nation’s tattered image abroad. Read the rest.

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wikiquote sucks….

Glenn Reynolds tells you why here.

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Baldwin responds

In the interest of fair play, you can read Alec’s response here. Sounds like he took some maturity pills or something. I’m sure Don Imus would like to “eat some of his words” too.

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Who’s acting like an 11 year old?

Here’s the message he left for his 11 year old daughter Ireland. Alec Baldwin is an a$$.

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