Cell phone boors

John Dvorak takes cell phone users to task along with the cell phones themselves, not to mention the service. In other words, he rants against the whole cell phone universe. I especially enjoy this little snippet…

Then there are the oh-so-important users who must have a crazy-looking Bluetooth earpiece hanging off their ear looking like a big hearing aid or a borg implant. These clowns walk around in public like this. Do they think women dig it?

What irritates me most is the cell phone users who apparently believe everyone around them must truly enjoy hearing their half of the conversation. While stuck on the tarmac at Dulles the other day, we were treated to our seat-mates angst as she discovered that OU’s (University of Oklahoma’s) starting quarterback had been dismissed for the season. Like we really cared and wanted to hear it. It would have been “ok” if she could keep her voice down, but we were all privileged learned how depressing this was to her. This whole process took 3 or 4 separate phone calls for her to confirm what was going on. Cry me a river lady and may OU have a sucky season.

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