Daily Archives: July 25, 2006

This isn’t what Paul Harvey said…

Driving to work this morning Paul Harvey mentioned in his off-handed way that almost 1/2 of the American’s wanting to leave Lebanon had not been able to. This Fox News story implies a small number of American’s (and others) are … Continue reading

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Land Use Department must be jumping for joy

I’m sure this tool never left the Boulder County Land Use Department’s tool kit, but no doubt they are overjoyed that there is a new study out claiming that the Preble Mouse is a distinct species in danger of extinction. … Continue reading

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Presidential signing statements

I’m certainly no fan of Arlen Spectre, but I’ll agree this issue needs to be explored. As stated in the article, Bush has issued more signing statements than all the other Presidents combined. Bush has challenged about 750 statutes passed … Continue reading

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I wish it was hard for me to imagine…

After what I’ve read, which may well be one sided and biased, combined with my general distrust of government, I can’t agree with the conclusion to this article. “I don’t think they’re going to want to shackle Abraham to the … Continue reading

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