Monthly Archives: July 2006

Living Wage

Seems like Chicago isn’t interested in “big box” stores. Furthermore they don’t seem to care about the 20,000 people who applied for 500 Walmart jobs. Read more here.

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Is the LA TImes Becoming Irrelevant ?

It appears the answer is “YES”. In my opinion that’s a great thing. Read about it at Radioblogger. Wonder if I can come up with the same numbers for the Boulder Daily Camera?

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Photographing the Police

They apparently think it’s against the law. The family of Neftaly Cruz said police had no right to come onto their property and arrest their 21-year-old son simply because he was using his cell phone’s camera. They told their story … Continue reading

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Working in Groups

Ants get smarter, humans get dumber. “And that’s all great and intuitive… until you get to humans. Humans, he said, demonstrate the opposite principle: more interactions equals dumber behavior. When we come together and interact as a group seeking consensus, … Continue reading

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“Girl Code”

Another great post from Creating Passionate Users. Read about “Girl Code” here…

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They’re From Boulder Too!

I was reading this post, and discovered that one of the Creating Passionate Users bloggers is from Boulder too. The post, about playing it safe (Safe is risky, risky is safe) is full of irony in that Boulder spends huge … Continue reading

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We Could ALL be Prodigies…

No excuses, get out of your chair and become an expert. Get past the “Suck Threshold” and the “Kick Ass Threshold” as you become an expert. Here’s the introduction over at Creating Passionate Users The only thing standing between you-as-amateur … Continue reading

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Chicago sets Minimum wage for Large Retailers

Since I’m not a big fan of the minimum wage, needless to say I find this action disagreeable. I’m sure the law of “unintended consequences” will raise it’s ugly head. I find it somewhat amusing that Mayor Richard Daily doesn’t … Continue reading

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How much I “love” the U.N.

I want this t-shirt. Click on the back to enlarge.

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Warren Buffett

Truly a great investor. Here’s a summary of part 1 of Warren’s interview with Charlie Rose. Or you can go directly to the video.

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This isn’t what Paul Harvey said…

Driving to work this morning Paul Harvey mentioned in his off-handed way that almost 1/2 of the American’s wanting to leave Lebanon had not been able to. This Fox News story implies a small number of American’s (and others) are … Continue reading

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Land Use Department must be jumping for joy

I’m sure this tool never left the Boulder County Land Use Department’s tool kit, but no doubt they are overjoyed that there is a new study out claiming that the Preble Mouse is a distinct species in danger of extinction. … Continue reading

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Presidential signing statements

I’m certainly no fan of Arlen Spectre, but I’ll agree this issue needs to be explored. As stated in the article, Bush has issued more signing statements than all the other Presidents combined. Bush has challenged about 750 statutes passed … Continue reading

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I wish it was hard for me to imagine…

After what I’ve read, which may well be one sided and biased, combined with my general distrust of government, I can’t agree with the conclusion to this article. “I don’t think they’re going to want to shackle Abraham to the … Continue reading

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Hastert is an idiot

When a Republican leader sides with Nancy Pelosi on an issue, you know there’s a big problem. The general public’s satisfaction with Congress is so low precisely because of the arrogant SOB’s that think they are better than everyone else. … Continue reading

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Jews voting Democratic…

I’ve wondered about this as well.

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Boulder Bicycle laws

Boulder County bicycle laws from the Boulder Daily Camera. Laws that stand out to me (ed notes in parenthesis) …. Bicyclists are subject to the same traffic laws as motorists. (this includes stop signs???)Pedestrians have the right-of-way on sidewalks, paths … Continue reading

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Until the earth cooks….

9 years, 190 days according to Algore. Yeah, right. What a nimrod.

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Tropical Storms and Hurricane’s 2005 vs. 2006

By this date in 2005 there had been 5 named tropical storms of which two, Dennis and Emily became full fledged Hurricanes. So far in 2006 there have been two tropical storms, Alberto and Beryl. At least the Hurricane season … Continue reading

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Distributive Property….

I really really wish this surprised me. Unfortunately, after seeing what passes for math in the St. Vrain Valley School system, and I believe other local school systems, I’m not surprised in the least.

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