Academic Freedom at UNLV

Ward Churchill has plenty of academic freedom but UNLV tenured economics Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe went through a nightmare. Described in an article penned by the Professor himself in he describes the year long battle with the politically correct UNLV administration.

Here is an outline of UNLV’s academic freedom rules and environment…

Las Vegas prides itself for its tolerance and so does UNLV, its university. At the university, however, tolerance is selective. You may assert that white heterosexual males are responsible for all of mankind’s misery, that Castro’s Cuba is a great success story, that capitalism means exploitation, or that most university professors are liberals because conservatives are too stupid to teach. If anyone should complain about this, such complaint will be dismissed outright.

And rightly so. After all, the university is committed to academic freedom. Its faculty has the “freedom and an obligation … (to) discuss and pursue the faculty member’s subject with candor and integrity, even when the subject requires consideration of topics which may be politically, socially or scientifically controversial. … (a) faculty member…shall not be subjected to censorship or discipline by the University … on grounds that the faculty member has expressed opinions or views which are controversial, unpopular or contrary to the attitudes of the University…or the community.”

The single line paragraph that follows is the “kicker”…

None of this applies to professors who dissent from socialist, statist, or culturally left-wing views, however, as I would find out.

Unbelievable. To make a long story short, with the help of a volunteer attorney and of all people, the ACLU, all charges were dropped. It still seems to me that academic freedom lost.

Also, Professor Hoppe realizes, correctly in my opinion, that legal action against the school is a losing battle from a practical point of view.

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