Daily Archives: April 27, 2005

and the Daily Camera on Social Security….

keeps offering the same old tried and true unimaginative solutions that will leave the younger generation overtaxed…. Social Security is a shared national obligation. The goal of reform should be to shore up the system without altering its character. First … Continue reading

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FOX News Poll on Social security

Fox News commissioned a poll as President Bush’s 60-day social security comes to an end. Interesting results: 1. A large minority are unclear of the voluntary nature of personalinvestment accounts 2. Most Americans favor the “right to choose” between the … Continue reading

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Walk your Dog

Geez, I can’t wait until the Boulder politicians and activists get a hold of this. Pet Guardians of Boulder rejoice, soon you will have a daily routine provided by your politicians on how best to take care of your “pet”.

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Lou Dobbs Viewers… NO Social Security Reform

84% of Lou Dobbs viewers answered “Yes” to the following poll questions (4/26): Do you believe the president and Congress should just drop the issue of Social Security? I don’t usually watch his show and stumbled across it this evening … Continue reading

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