… and you wonder why

I say that “Boulder is a Stoopid Place”. This article posted late today on the Daily Camera web site starts out:

CLINTON, N.Y. (AP) — A University of Colorado professor who compared the

victims of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center to Nazis has ignited

protests on a college campus where he’s been invited to speak.

His disrespect for Capitalism and free enterprise come through loud and clear…

In a treatise titled, “Some People Push Back,” written after the attacks,

Churchill asserted the 3,000 people killed at the World Trade Center worked for

“the mighty engine of profit” but chose to ignore their role.

“True enough, they were civilians of a sort,” he wrote. “But innocent?

Gimme a break.”

I simply don’t understand how working for a private company that wants to make a profit gets you the honor of being the target of a hijacked airplane. I’m not the least bit surprised this guy hangs out and infects students at the University of Colorado and it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a good sized cult following in Boulder.

Makes me sick.

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