The Rise of the Culture of Victimhood Explained – Hit & Run :

The argument in the article is that U.S. society is in the midst of a large-scale moral change in which we are experiencing the emergence of a victimhood culture that is distinct from the honor cultures and dignity cultures of the past. If true, this bodes really bad for future social and political peace.

If true?

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1 Response to

  1. Mark says:

    In today’s world, to be a victim is to be a saint. To stand next to a victim is righteous.

    Looking at it differently Bill Whittle had a good video on “The coin of the realm,” where he talked about unearned moral superiority.

    To me, it seems more motivated by a rejection of past attitudes, which are seen as harsh and dangerous, a misunderstanding of maturity, thinking that a childish state is the path to a utopian world.

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