Remember, law enforcement officers are allowed to lie

Remember, law enforcement officers are allowed to lie, as it’s an effective tool in fighting crime.

via Hot Cash And Cold Consent | Simple Justice.

Do NOT consent. Ever.

That those of us who object to such improper law enforcement abuses decry such tactics is one thing, but to have the Inspector General join in attempting to stop this abuse is huge. If nothing else, Mike Horowitz deserves props for doing his job, and doing it well, which may explain why the law enforcement agencies never invite him to their beer blasts.

From the comments…

NEVER NEVER get into that kind of conversation with an officer! Here is the template and it should be your ONLY template:

COP: Is it okay of I search your baggage?
YOU: I do not consent to a search of any of my property.
C: Oh yeah? Why is that?
Y: I do not consent to a search of my property.
C: You hiding something here?
Y: I do not consent to a search of any of my property.

That is the ONLY answer you give from now until the eschaton. You do not have to submit to an interrogation and you do not have to explain at all why you do not consent to a search.

(I have nine years law enforcement-agency experience, btw.)

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