Disinvitation Season: Arrogant, entitled, spoiled, sissified students unite

Students Demand Censorship of George Will, Won’t Listen to Someone They Don’t Like – Hit & Run : Reason.com.

Another day, another group of insolent students demanding that their university censor a prominent speaker and deprive the rest of campus of the opportunity to learn from him.

One bright spot…

MSU President Lou Anna Simon, at least, has refused to disinvite Will, noting that “Great universities are committed to serving the public good by creating space for discourse and exchange of ideas, though that exchange may be uncomfortable and will sometimes challenge values and beliefs.” This sets her apart from some other university presidents who caved under pressure to disinvite controversial speakers.

Are these students really prepared for the real world? How shocking are they going to find it when they have to work with conservatives or libertarians? Do they believe their coworkers in the real world, assuming they find a job, are going to bow down to their superior intellect and ideas? I can’t wait.


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