Cooling Kills

PJ Media » Cooling Kills: Governments Must Shift to Cold Preparation.

In the past few years we have seen a dramatic demonstration of the deadly effects of prolonged cold weather. From Chicago to China, Egypt to Argentina, India to the Antarctic, new low temperature and snowfall records have been set.
This has led to severe hardship for millions — and increased death rates.

The article concludes…

The climate change debate should move away from unsubstantiated warming fears and focus instead on determining if the extreme cold of recent years is a precursor to significant global cooling. If it is, then reliable and inexpensive energy sources such as coal-fired electricity generation will become crucially important for our survival. The last thing we should be doing is closing down these stations in the questionable belief that we are helping to prevent global warming, a phenomenon that has already stopped all on its own.

Real scientists also need to figure out how to reduce the effects of politics on their research on conclusions as well as keeping their research from being manipluated by the political class and special interest groups.


Good thing it’s called climate change.

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